Good Enoughness: towards a sustainable tech culture of maintenance and repair
Fibonacci's Garden - The Epistemology and Ethics of Formal Methods in the sciences (with a focus on the life sciences and inner mathematical…
Die KI-Verordnung & KI Made in SH
Democratising AI: A Map and a Heading
Can AI Contribute to Fairness in Education
Persuasive Machines and the Rhetoric of Generative AI
Is AI to be used in grant review
Integrating Societal Dimensions Into the Development of Neuromorphic Computing Hardware for Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning Robustness for Scientific Discovery
The Life and Death of Confidentiality
Biases in Machine Learning – Fairness Metrics and EU Law
From an Ethics of Carefulness to an Ethics of Desirebility: Going Beyond Current Ethics Approaches to Sustainable AI
Artificial Intelligence for a better Future - An Ecosystem Perspective on the Ethics of AI and Emerging Digital Technologies
Insights from Supporting Responsible AI in a Business Context
AI is Stupid and Casual Reasoning Will not fix it
Simulieren hochkomplexe Algorithmen in Malerei und Musik den kreativen Geist so perfekt, dass wir die künstliche Intelligenz dahinter nicht mehr von…
AI and the Medical Humanities
Ethical Aspects of UAV-Based Rescue Robotics
Wie bereitwillig geben wir im Wunsch nach Selbstoptimierung die Daten über unseren Körper und unseren Gesundheitszustand an eine App ab?
Wie kann uns technischer Fortschritt bei der Lösung globaler Herausforderungen, wie der Klimakrise, helfen?
Purpose Limitation and Data Minimisation in Data-Driven Systems
The AWOSE approach: Connecting ethical analyses to system design decision-making
Cybersecurity and Ethics
METHAD - An Algorithm for Ethical Decision-Making in the Clinic
Deepening Participation in Data and AI Policy
High hopes for 'Deep Medicine'? AI, Economics, and the Future of Care
Contestable Black Boxes: Implementing Transparent Moral Bounds for AI Behaviour
Ethics and Quantification: Disentangling a Relationship
Verantwortungsvolle Technikgestaltung in Forschung, Entwicklung und Lehre – Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Armin Grunwald
Sustainability Considerations for the Digital Transformation
Principles, Standards and Regulation for Trustworthy AI
SBB Inclusive - The App for Barrier-Free Customer Information by the Swiss Federal Railways
From Principles to Practice – An Interdisciplinary Framework to Operationalise AI Ethics
Arbeiten, Leben und Regieren: Ethik in einer Digitalen Welt – Podiumsdiskussion mit Jan Philipp Albrecht
Forschen, Lehren und Leben in digitalen Zeiten – Podiumsdiskussion mit Dr. Robert Habeck
©2023 EIH | Ethical Innovation Hub der Universität zu Lübeck
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